My first time in Maui and Nana's first to Hawai'i at all and we didn't know what to expect. It's embarrassing, but I'll admit it because if you know me well, you've probably heard me say it before.
In fact, less than a month ago, I was saying it at a gorgeous Tuscan-style resort in Nevada.
A couple of summers ago I was overheard observing the same thing in the Bahamas.
The first time we went to New Orleans, I said it.
And, I'll bet if I ever go on safari in Kenya or stay at an African lodge, I'll say it.
(Warning: I expect I'll definitely utter the phrase in Italy next month.)

It reminds me of Disney World.
There. I wrote it.
And I realize that it's very sad. I've seen the fake version of "the world" so many times - and Disney is so good at replicating it, albeit in a sanitized version - that when I go places that are distinctive, I'm reminded of the lands the Mouse built.

The bars and the drink huts remind me of the Tiki Room at the Magic Kingdom. (YOU know the place,
where the birds all sing and the flowers bloom? Yeah that one,
the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room.)

The resort itself reminds me so much of the Polynesian Resort at Disney World, with a little bit of the Royal Pacific Resort from Universal Orlando thrown in.

I know that this is the real thing - and it certainly is better - but it's amazing to me what a great job they do copying it in Orlando. As I type this, I hear a Hawai'ian crooner performing out by the pool, and it sounds just like it does when Keane and I are waiting for our table at O'Hana.

I suppose that it was unavoidable, with the many times we've gone to Disney in our lifetimes and the great number of
Epcot International Food and Wine Festivals Keane and I have jetted down to attend.
I only admit it here, because you are my friend and you won't judge me for being a product of my environment.
I love to travel. I'll risk sounding smug and arrogant and call myself intellectually curious, even if you won't.
And, still, my touchstone, my impressions and perspective are all indelibly colored by my domestic experiences.
At theme parks.
Glorious, incredible theme parks - the best in the WORLD - but theme parks nonetheless.
Somehow that's depressing to me. Almost 40 and I compare all fabulous locales to the Disney version.
Nana and I are going to have to get out and really experience Maui so we can come home with tales that aren't just about what the most popular cocktail at the Lagoon Bar is or what our favorite appetizer is at Black Rock restaurant.
Stay tuned. There will be pictures.