Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We Love Simon

It's actually spelled saiman and Nana and I are officially hooked. My brothers would recognize it as a soup similar to Dad Ramen, except in place of strips of Buddig beef there are pieces of Spam, scrambled egg, and fish cake that looks a lot like radishes. It is dee-lish!

It's a fish broth, so it's a lot like shrimp-flavor Top Ramen, except it's not artificially seafood flavored like the ramen is. Plus, it's traditionally a breakfast food.

Nana and I would drive up to Kapalua to the Honolua store near the Ritz-Carlton to have it. They also made great ham and cheese omelets and had good coffee. Mmmmm....coffee.....It's the cutest little place - a weird cross between a New England/Cape building and an Adirondack lodge. Just cool.

We would sit on the porch to eat and just relax in the shade.

On our first visit, we met a terrific transplant from the mainland, Athena, on her way to work. We were in line for coffee and we noticed a $5 bill drifting down near her feet. All three of us thought it belonged to the lady ahead of us. We called her back over, gave her the money and within seconds realized that it was mine. Duh.

Athena then secretly paid for our coffee! We wanted to meet up with her later - maybe at one of the wine tastings - but it wasn't to be. Instead, we left her some wine (Somersville Chardonnay, which Brigette will tell you is like liquid, fat-free butter in a glass) when we left. I'll look her up when I'm back on the Big Island next fall.

Meeting Athena and chatting with her - and her sweet gesture to a couple of Maui visitors - made us love Honolua Store even more. (That and the limes we were able to pick up for the g&ts, natch.)

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